
By default, microservices will look for /etc/moira/<servicename>.yml, but you can change this location by passing your path as a command-line parameter --config.

On this page you can find examples of configuration files for Moira microservices.


# Use fields MasterName and SentinelAddrs to enable Redis Sentinel support,
# use Host and Port fields otherwise.
  # Sentinel cluster name
  master_name: ""
  # Sentinel address list, format: {host1_name:port};{ip:port}
  sentinel_addrs: ""
  # Node ip-address or host name
  host: "moira-redis"
  # Node port
  port: "6379"
  # Database id
  dbid: 0
  # If true, graphite logger will be enabled
  enabled: true
  # Graphite relay URI
  uri: "graphite-relay:2003"
  # Moira metrics prefix. Use 'prefix: {hostname}' to use hostname autoresolver.
  prefix: DevOps.moira
  # Metrics sending interval
  interval: 60s
  # Metrics listener uri
  listen: ":2003"
  # Retentions config file path. Simply use your original storage-schemas.conf or create new if you're using Moira without existing Graphite installation.
  retention-config: /etc/moira/storage-schemas.conf
  log_file: stdout
  log_level: info

storage-schemas.conf is graphite carbon configuration file that should match similarly-named file in your Graphite installation.


  host: "moira-redis"
  port: "6379"
  dbid: 0
  enabled: true
  uri: "graphite-relay:2003"
  prefix: DevOps.moira
  interval: 60s
  # Period for every trigger to perform forced check on
  nodata_check_interval: 60s
  # Min period to perform triggers re-check. Note: Reducing of this value leads to increasing of CPU and memory usage values
  check_interval: 10s
  # Time interval to store metrics. Note: Increasing of this value leads to increasing of Redis memory consumption value
  metrics_ttl: 3h
  # Period for every trigger to cancel forced check (greater than 'NoDataCheckInterval') if no metrics were received
  stop_checking_interval: 30s
  # Equals to the number of processor cores found on Moira host by default or when variable is defined as 0.
  max_parallel_checks: 0
  log_file: stdout
  log_level: info


  host: "moira-redis"
  port: "6379"
  dbid: 0
  enabled: true
  uri: "graphite-relay:2003"
  prefix: DevOps.moira
  interval: 60s
  # Soft timeout to start retrying to send notification after single failed attempt
  sender_timeout: 10s
  # Hard timeout to stop retrying to send notification after multiple failed attempts
  resending_timeout: "1:00"
  # Web-UI uri prefix for trigger links in notifications. For example: with 'http://localhost' every notification will contain link like 'http://localhost/trigger/triggerId'
  front_uri: ""
  # Timezone to use to convert ticks. Default is UTC. See for more details.
  timezone: Europe/Moscow
  # List of senders, every element has "type" field (one of ["pushover", "slack", "mail", "telegram", "twilio sms", "twilio voice", "script"])
  # Every type of sender has additional config fields
    - type: pushover
      # Api token for your pushover channel, for more info see
      api_token: ...
    - type: slack
      # Api token for your moira notifications slack user, for more info see
      api_token: ...
    - type: telegram
      # Api token for your telegram bot, for more info about creating bot and get token see
      api_token: ...
    - type: mail
      mail_from: ...
      smtp_host: ...
      smtp_port: ...
      # Skip SMTP server certificate chain validation if false
      insecure_tls: false
      # Uses "mail_from" if empty
      smtp_user: ...
      smtp_pass: ...
      # Email template file path (standard Go templates), if empty use default template
      template_file: ...
    - type: twilio sms
      api_asid: ...
      api_authtoken: ...
      api_fromphone: ...
      # URL that responds with TwiML config for voice message generation, see
      voiceurl: ...
      append_message: true
    - type: twilio voice
      api_asid: ...
      api_authtoken: ...
      api_fromphone: ...
    - type: script
      name: ...
      # Executable path. File must exist on all machines where notifier is running.
      # You can use ${trigger_name} and ${contact_value} in command-line parameters,
      # they will be replaced with trigger name and contact (as specified in web interface).
      exec: ...
  # Self state monitor configuration section. Note: No inner subscriptions is required. It's own notification mechanism will be used.
    enabled: true
    # Max Redis disconnect delay to send alert when reached
    redis_disconect_delay: 60s
    # Max Filter metrics receive delay to send alert when reached
    last_metric_received_delay: 120s
    # Max Checker checks perform delay to send alert when reached
    last_check_delay: 120s
    # Self state monitor alerting interval
    notice_interval: 300s
    # Contact list for Self state monitor alerts, use this like delivery channels in web-ui
      - type: mail
  log_file: stdout
  log_level: info


  host: "moira-redis"
  port: "6379"
  dbid: 0
  # Api local network address. Default is ':8081' so api will be available at
  listen: ":8081"
  # If true, CORS for cross-domain requests will be enabled. This option can be used only for debugging purposes.
  enable_cors: false
  # Web_UI config file path. If file not found, api will return 404 in response to "api/config"
  web_config_path: "/etc/moira/web.json"
  log_file: stdout
  log_level: info


	"contacts": [
		{"type": "pushover", "validation": ""},
		{"type": "slack", "validation": "^[@#].+$"},
		{"type": "telegram", "validation": "", "title": "#channel, @username, group", "help": "required to grant @ExampleMoiraBot admin privileges for channels, or /start command in groups and personal chats"},
  "supportEmail": ""