
By default, microservices will look for /etc/moira/<servicename>.yml, but you can change this location by passing your path as a command-line parameter --config.

On this page you can find examples of configuration files for Moira microservices.


# Use fields MasterName and SentinelAddrs to enable Redis Sentinel support,
# use Host and Port fields otherwise.
  # Sentinel cluster name
  master_name: ""
  # Sentinel address list, format: {host1_name:port};{ip:port}
  sentinel_addrs: ""
  # Node ip-address or host name
  host: "moira-redis"
  # Node port
  port: "6379"
  # Database id
  dbid: 0
  # Redis client connection pool size
  connection_limit: 512
  # Allow reading data from slave replicas
  allow_slave_reads: true
  # Delete metrics older than this value from Redis
  metrics_ttl: 3h
  # Common port for all telemetry data: Prometheus scraping, pprof, etc.
  listen: ":8091"
    # If true, pprof will be enabled on common telemetry port.
    enabled: false
    # If true, graphite sender will be enabled.
    enabled: true
    # If true, runtime stats will be captured and sent to graphite. Note: It takes to call stoptheworld() with configured "graphite.interval" to capture runtime stats (
    runtime_stats: false
    # Graphite relay URI, format: ip:port
    uri: "graphite-relay:2003"
    # Moira metrics prefix. Use 'prefix: {hostname}' to use hostname autoresolver.
    prefix: DevOps.moira
    # Metrics sending interval
    interval: 60s
  # Metrics listener uri
  listen: ":2003"
  # Retentions config file path. Simply use your original storage-schemas.conf or create new if you're using Moira without existing Graphite installation.
  retention_config: /etc/moira/storage-schemas.conf
  # Number of metrics to cache before checking them.
  # Note: As this value increases, Redis CPU usage decreases.
  # Normally, this value must be an order of magnitude less than graphite.prefix.filter.recevied.matching.count | nonNegativeDerivative() | scaleToSeconds(1)
  # For example: with 100 matching metrics, set cache_capacity to 10. With 1000 matching metrics, increase cache_capacity up to 100.
  cache_capacity: 10
  # Defines number of threads to match incoming graphite-metrics.
  # Equals to the number of processor cores found on Moira host by default or when variable is defined as 0.
  max_parallel_matches: 0
  # Period in which patterns will be reloaded from Redis
  patterns_update_period: 1s
  log_file: stdout
  log_level: info

storage-schemas.conf is graphite carbon configuration file that should match similarly-named file in your Graphite installation.


# Use fields MasterName and SentinelAddrs to enable Redis Sentinel support,
# use Host and Port fields otherwise.
  # Sentinel cluster name
  master_name: ""
  # Sentinel address list, format: {host1_name:port};{ip:port}
  sentinel_addrs: ""
  # Node ip-address or host name
  host: "moira-redis"
  # Node port
  port: "6379"
  # Database id
  dbid: 0
  # Redis client connection pool size
  connection_limit: 512
  # Allow reading data from slave replicas
  allow_slave_reads: true
  # Delete metrics older than this value from Redis
  metrics_ttl: 3h
  # Common port for all telemetry data: Prometheus scraping, pprof, etc.
  listen: ":8091"
    # If true, pprof will be enabled on common telemetry port.
    enabled: false
    # If true, graphite sender will be enabled.
    enabled: true
    # If true, runtime stats will be captured and sent to graphite. Note: It takes to call stoptheworld() with configured "graphite.interval" to capture runtime stats (
    runtime_stats: false
    # Graphite relay URI, format: ip:port
    uri: "graphite-relay:2003"
    # Moira metrics prefix. Use 'prefix: {hostname}' to use hostname autoresolver.
    prefix: DevOps.moira
    # Metrics sending interval
    interval: 60s
  # Period for every trigger to perform forced check on
  nodata_check_interval: 60s
  # Min period to perform triggers re-check. Note: Reducing of this value leads to increasing of CPU and memory usage values
  check_interval: 10s
  # In Moira 2.4 we add a new entity - Lazy Trigger. This is a regular trigger but without any subscription for it.
  # By default Moira treats any trigger equally regardless on its subscriptions number.
  # You can change this behaviour using option below. This can reduce CPU usage on your server.
  # Lazy triggers checker works if lazy_triggers_check_interval > check_interval. We recommend setting it to 10m.
  lazy_triggers_check_interval: 10m
  # Period for every trigger to cancel forced check (greater than 'NoDataCheckInterval') if no metrics were received
  stop_checking_interval: 30s
  # Equals to the number of processor cores found on Moira host by default or when variable is defined as 0.
  max_parallel_checks: 0
  # Is related with remote triggers (see remote section)
  # Equals to the number of processor cores found on Moira host by default or when variable is defined as 0.
  max_parallel_remote_checks: 0
# This section configures remote triggers Checker.
# See for futher information
  enabled: false
  # URL of Graphite HTTP API: graphite-web, carbonapi, etc.
  # Specify full URL including '/render'
  url: ""
  # Auth username. Only Basic-auth supported
  user: devops
  # Auth password. Only Basic-auth supported
  password: verySecurePassword
  # Min period to perform triggers re-check. 
  # Note: Reducing of this value leads to increasing of CPU and memory usage values and extra load on Graphite HTTP API
  check_interval: 60s
  # Don't fetch metrics older than this value from remote storage
  metrics_ttl: 168h
  # Maximum timeout for HTTP-request made to Graphite HTTP API
  timeout: 60s
  log_file: stdout
  log_level: info

Remote Triggers Checker

One of Moira key feature is Graphite independance. Some Graphite queries are very ineffective. Tools like Seyren multiply this effect every minute making lots of ineffective queries and overloading your cluster. Moira relies on the incoming metric stream, and has its own fast cache for recent data.

Enabling Remote triggers Checker allows user to create triggers that relies on Graphite Storage instead of Redis DB.


Use this feature with caution, because it can create an extra load on Graphite HTTP API.

Lazy Triggers Checker

In Moira 2.4 we add a new entity - Lazy Trigger. This is a regular trigger but without any subscription for it. By default Moira treats any trigger equally regardless on its subscriptions number. You can change this behaviour using lazy_triggers_check_interval option in checker section. This can reduce CPU usage on your server. Lazy triggers checker works if lazy_triggers_check_interval > check_interval. We recommend set it to 10m (10 minutes).


# Use fields MasterName and SentinelAddrs to enable Redis Sentinel support,
# use Host and Port fields otherwise.
  # Sentinel cluster name
  master_name: ""
  # Sentinel address list, format: {host1_name:port};{ip:port}
  sentinel_addrs: ""
  # Node ip-address or host name
  host: "moira-redis"
  # Node port
  port: "6379"
  # Database id
  dbid: 0
  # Redis client connection pool size
  connection_limit: 512
  # Allow reading data from slave replicas
  allow_slave_reads: true
  # Delete metrics older than this value from Redis
  metrics_ttl: 3h
  # Common port for all telemetry data: Prometheus scraping, pprof, etc.
  listen: ":8091"
    # If true, pprof will be enabled on common telemetry port.
    enabled: false
    # If true, graphite sender will be enabled.
    enabled: true
    # If true, runtime stats will be captured and sent to graphite. Note: It takes to call stoptheworld() with configured "graphite.interval" to capture runtime stats (
    runtime_stats: false
    # Graphite relay URI, format: ip:port
    uri: "graphite-relay:2003"
    # Moira metrics prefix. Use 'prefix: {hostname}' to use hostname autoresolver.
    prefix: DevOps.moira
    # Metrics sending interval
    interval: 60s
  # Soft timeout to start retrying to send notification after single failed attempt
  sender_timeout: 10s
  # Hard timeout to stop retrying to send notification after multiple failed attempts
  resending_timeout: "1:00"
  # Web-UI uri prefix for trigger links in notifications. For example: with 'http://localhost' every notification will contain link like 'http://localhost/trigger/triggerId'
  front_uri: ""
  # Timezone to use to convert ticks. Default is UTC. See for more details.
  timezone: Europe/Moscow
  # Format for email sender. Default is "15:04 02.01.2006". See for more details about golang time formatting.
  date_time_format: "15:04 02.01.2006"
  # List of senders, every element has "type" field (one of ["pushover", "slack", "mail", "telegram", "twilio sms", "twilio voice", "script"])
  # Every type of sender has additional config fields
    - type: msteams
      #the max amount of events you want to be sent to your channel, -1 for unlimited, any other positive value to limit events
      max_events: -1
    - type: pushover
      # Api token for your pushover channel, for more info see
      api_token: ...
    - type: slack
      # Api token for your moira notifications slack user, for more info see
      api_token: ...
      # If true, notification will be sent with state-specific icon, for more info see
      use_emoji: false
    - type: telegram
      # Api token for your telegram bot, for more info about creating bot and get token see
      api_token: ...
    - type: mail
      mail_from: ...
      smtp_host: ...
      smtp_port: ...
      # Skip SMTP server certificate chain validation if false
      insecure_tls: false
      # Uses "mail_from" if empty
      smtp_user: ...
      smtp_pass: ...
      # Email template file path (standard Go templates). By default use 'Fancy' template (see screenshot below). If empty, use build-in template with no markups and styles.
      template_file: '/etc/moira/fancy-template.html'
    - type: twilio voice
      api_asid: ...
      api_authtoken: ...
      api_fromphone: ...
      # URL that responds with TwiML config for voice message generation, see
      voiceurl: ...
      append_message: true
    - type: twilio sms
      api_asid: ...
      api_authtoken: ...
      api_fromphone: ...
    # Script and webhook senders support additional templated parameters:
    # ${contact_id}    contact ID
    # ${contact_value} contact value (as specified by user via web UI)
    # ${contact_type}  contact type (as specified in web UI config file)
    # ${trigger_id}    trigger ID
    - type: script
      name: ...
      # Executable path. File must exist on all machines where notifier is running.
      # You can use templated parameters here (see above), they will be replaced with appropriate values.
      exec: ...
    - type: webhook
      name: ...
      # URL to send POST request (you can use templated parameters, see above)
      url: ...
      timeout: ...
      # Basic authorization parameters (if required)
      user: ...
      password: ...
    - type: pagerduty
    - type: opsgenie
      api_key: ...
    - type: victorops
      routing_url: ...
    - type: discord
      token: ...
  # Self state monitor configuration section. Note: No inner subscriptions is required. Moira will use its notification mechanism to send messages.
    enabled: true
    # If true, Moira selfstate will check remote triggers checker works properly and notify admin if remote checker fails
    # See for futher information
    remote_triggers_enabled: false
    # Max Redis disconnect delay to send alert when reached
    redis_disconect_delay: 60s
    # Max Filter metrics receive delay to send alert when reached
    last_metric_received_delay: 120s
    # Max Checker checks perform delay to send alert when reached
    last_check_delay: 120s
    # Max Remote triggers Checker checks perform delay to send alert when reached
    # See for futher information
    last_remote_check_delay: 300s
    # Self state monitor alerting interval
    notice_interval: 300s
    # Contact list for Self state monitor alerts, use this like delivery channels in web-ui
      - type: mail
  log_file: stdout
  log_level: info
# This section configures remote triggers Checker.
# See for futher information
  enabled: false
  # URL of Graphite HTTP API: graphite-web, carbonapi, etc.
  # Specify full URL including '/render'
  url: ""
  # Auth username. Only Basic-auth supported
  user: devops
  # Auth password. Only Basic-auth supported
  password: verySecurePassword
  # Min period to perform triggers re-check. 
  # Note: Reducing of this value leads to increasing of CPU and memory usage values and extra load on Graphite HTTP API
  check_interval: 60s
  # Don't fetch metrics older than this value from remote storage
  metrics_ttl: 168h
  # Maximum timeout for HTTP-request made to Graphite HTTP API
  timeout: 60s

Slack icons

State-specific emoji

By default Slack sender won’t change default icon configured for your bot. To use state-specific icons in notifications:

Add custom emoji
  • Download and unzip notification icons
  • Add icons from ..icons/slack directory as custom emojis according to their filenames to Slack
  • Set use_emoji to true for Slack sender section in notifier configuration file

Email Template

By default mail sender will use ‘Fancy’ template:

Fancy email template

Self State Monitor

If self state monitor is enabled, Moira will periodically check the Redis connection, the number of incoming metrics in the Moira-Filter and the number of triggers to be checked by Moira-Checker.

See Self State Monitor for more details.

API and Web

# Use fields MasterName and SentinelAddrs to enable Redis Sentinel support,
# use Host and Port fields otherwise.
  # Sentinel cluster name
  master_name: ""
  # Sentinel address list, format: {host1_name:port};{ip:port}
  sentinel_addrs: ""
  # Node ip-address or host name
  host: "moira-redis"
  # Node port
  port: "6379"
  # Database id
  dbid: 0
  # Redis client connection pool size
  connection_limit: 512
  # Allow reading data from slave replicas
  allow_slave_reads: true
  # Delete metrics older than this value from Redis
  metrics_ttl: 3h
  # Common port for all telemetry data: Prometheus scraping, pprof, etc.
  listen: ":8091"
    # If true, pprof will be enabled on common telemetry port.
    enabled: false
    # If true, graphite sender will be enabled.
    enabled: true
    # If true, runtime stats will be captured and sent to graphite. Note: It takes to call stoptheworld() with configured "graphite.interval" to capture runtime stats (
    runtime_stats: false
    # Graphite relay URI, format: ip:port
    uri: "graphite-relay:2003"
    # Moira metrics prefix. Use 'prefix: {hostname}' to use hostname autoresolver.
    prefix: DevOps.moira
    # Metrics sending interval
    interval: 60s
  # Api local network address. Default is ':8081' so api will be available at
  listen: ":8081"
  # If true, CORS for cross-domain requests will be enabled. This option can be used only for debugging purposes.
  enable_cors: false
  # Web_UI config file path. If file not found, api will return 404 in response to "api/config"
  web_config_path: "/etc/moira/web.json"
  # Moira administrator email address
  supportEmail: ""
  # List of enabled contact types
    - type: mail
      label: E-mail
      validation: "^.+@.+\\..+$"
    - type: msteams
      label: Microsoft Teams
    - type: pushover
      label: Pushover
      placeholder: "Pushover user key"
    - type: slack
      label: Slack
      validation: "^[@#][a-zA-Z0-9-_]+"
      placeholder: "Slack #channel or @user"
    - type: telegram
      label: Telegram
      placeholder: "#public_channel, %private_channel, @username or group"
      help: |
        ### To make things work you should:
        ### In personal chat:
        - start conversation with bot [@YourMoiraBot](;
        - execute command `/start`;
        - type your login in above field as `@login`.

        ### In group chat:
        - invite bot [@YourMoiraBot]( into chat;
        - execute command `/start@YourMoiraBot`;
        - bot will send you chat name, you should type it without extra characters in above field.

        ### In public channel:
        - add bot [@YourMoiraBot]( into channel;
        - promote bot as channel administrator;
        - type channel name in above field as `#channel`.

        ### In private channel:
        - add bot [@YourMoiraBot]( into the channel;
        - promote bot as channel administrator;
        - open your private channel on the [web](;
        - get channel id from URL (e.g., ``) between `c` and `_`;
        - type channel id in the above field as `%1494975744`.
    - type: twilio sms
      label: Twilio SMS
      validation: "^\\+79\\d{9}$"
      placeholder: "Phone number format +79*********"
    - type: twilio voice
      label: Twilio voice
      validation: "^\\+79\\d{9}$"
      placeholder: "Phone number format +79*********"
    - type: webhook
      label: My Webhook
      validation: "^(http|https):\\/\\/.*(|[0-9]{2,5})?\\/"
      placeholder: ""
      help: "### Domains whitelist:\n -\n -"
    - type: pagerduty
      label: PagerDuty
      placeholder: "Integration key"
    - type: opsgenie
      label: OpsGenie
      placeholder: "Responder Name or ID"
    - type: victorops
      label: VictorOps
      placeholder: "Routing key"
    - type: discord
      label: Discord
      placeholder: "Discord channel (eg: general-text) or user (eg: @user)"
  log_file: stdout
  log_level: info
# This section configures remote triggers Checker.
# See for futher information
  enabled: false
  # URL of Graphite HTTP API: graphite-web, carbonapi, etc.
  # Specify full URL including '/render'
  url: ""
  # Auth username. Only Basic-auth supported
  user: devops
  # Auth password. Only Basic-auth supported
  password: verySecurePassword
  # Min period to perform triggers re-check. 
  # Note: Reducing of this value leads to increasing of CPU and memory usage values and extra load on Graphite HTTP API
  check_interval: 60s
  # Don't fetch metrics older than this value from remote storage
  metrics_ttl: 168h
  # Maximum timeout for HTTP-request made to Graphite HTTP API
  timeout: 60s

Web contact fields:

  • type (any uniq string) required — contact type: pushover, slack, mail, script, telegram, twilio sms, twilio voice, etc.;
  • label required — contact label type. Uses in add/edit contact form in select control;
  • validation — regular expression for user contact, uses for validation in add/edit contact form;
  • placeholder — hint shown in input field;
  • help — help text in Markdown markup;
WEB UI example

Remote API

By default, Web uses local API server (both containers are running on the same host). But if you need to reconfigure Web to interact with API running on remote server then simply set container environment variable MOIRA_API_URI equal to required URI:

MOIRA_API_URI: remoteapi.domain:8081